1. Quantitative Research

Punch (1988:4) defines quantitative research is empirical research where the data in the form of something that can be calculated. According punch quantitative research attention on the collection and analysis of data in numerical form.

Creswell (1944:1-2) quantitative research is an investigation of the social problem based on testing a theory composed of variables, measured with numbers and analyzed with statistical procedures to determine whether the predictive generalization theory is correct.

From the definition put forward by the experts, it can be concluded that quantitative research is research to prove the theory / truth, establish facts, showing the relationship between variables, giving a statistical description, estimate and predict the results of a systematic study procedures, in the form of numerical data and analyzed with procedures statistics.

Characteristic of Quantitative Research
Quantitative research has a special characteristic from some aspects:
1.      Design:
a. specific, clear, detailed
b. determined steadily since its inception
c. to handle it step by step
2.      Purpose:
a. shows the relationship between variables
b. test the theory
c. search for generalizations that have predictive value
3.      Data collection techniques: questionnaires, observations and structured interviews.
4.      Research instruments: tests, questionnaires, structured interviews and instruments that have been standardized.
5.      Data: quantitative (numbers), the measurement variables operated using instrument.
6.      Sample: large, representative, random, and wherever possible has been determined from the beginning.
7.      Analysis: conducted after the completion of data collection, deductive and uses statistics to test hypotheses.
8.      Relationship with the respondent made ​​no contact is often so objective, research position higher than the respondent.
9.      Confidence in the results of the study by testing the validity and reliability of the instrument.
Types of Quantitative Researche
In conducting the study, researchers can use the methods and design (design) by considering the specific research objectives and the nature of the problem at hand. According fraenkell, J.R. and Wallen, N.E. explained that quantitative research can be distinguished based research methods, which include:
1.      Experimental Research
This type of research is often used to study the exact sciences (natural sciences) or so-called experimental research. This study uses some of the group given a specific treatment or an appropriate stimulus with less research purposes.
2.      Survey Research
Survey research is research that is used to solve the problems of large-scale issues with the actual population is so large that it required very large sample sizes. Retrieval of data using questionnaires or questionnaires as the main data source. In survey research, respondents were asked to give a short answer is written in the questionnaire or the questionnaire and then answer all respondents were processed using specific quantitative analysis techniques.
3.      Correlation Studies
Research is used to find whether there is any possibility of a relationship between two or more independent variables with the dependent variable. The purpose of correlational research is to detect the extent of variations in the factors associated with variations in one or more other factors based on the correlation coefficient.
4.      Causal Comparative Research
This study aimed to investigate the possibility of a causal relationship that is based on the observation of the effect of existing and looking back may be a factor that causes through specific data.
5.      Descriptive
Descriptive research involves collecting data in order to test hypotheses or answer questions concerning the current status of the subjects of the study.  It determines and reports the way things are.

Procedures of Quantitative Research
Implementation of quantitative research based on procedures that have been planned before. There are quantitative research procedure consisted of the stages following activities.
1.      Identification of problems
Formulation of the problem, which is a question of empirical objects clearly demarcated and identified the factors related thereto.
2.      The purpose of research
Quantitative research aims to test the theory, establish the facts, show the relationship between variables, giving a statistical description, estimate and predict the outcome.
3.      Study of theory
grounded theory study on the so-called structural functionalism, realism, positivism, behaviorism and empiricism which essentially emphasizes on things that are concrete, empirical testing and real facts.
4.      Development of the conceptual framework
Preparation of the framework in the preparation of the hypothesis that an argument that might explain the relationship between the various factors that are tangled and form a constellation of problems. Framework is organized rationally based on scientific premises that have been verified by empirical attention to the factors that are relevant to the problem.
5.      Identification and definition of variables
According to Kerlinger (1973) is a construct or trait variable to be studied. Variables can be regarded as a trait that is taken from a different values ​​(different values). As such, it is a variable that varies.

Types of Quantitative Researche
In conducting the study, researchers can use the methods and design (design) by considering the specific research objectives and the nature of the problem at hand. According fraenkell, J.R. and Wallen, N.E. explained that quantitative research can be distinguished based research methods, which include:
1.      Experimental Research
This type of research is often used to study the exact sciences (natural sciences) or so-called experimental research. This study uses some of the group given a specific treatment or an appropriate stimulus with less research purposes.
2.      Survey Research
Survey research is research that is used to solve the problems of large-scale issues with the actual population is so large that it required very large sample sizes. Retrieval of data using questionnaires or questionnaires as the main data source. In survey research, respondents were asked to give a short answer is written in the questionnaire or the questionnaire and then answer all respondents were processed using specific quantitative analysis techniques.
3.      Correlation Studies
Research is used to find whether there is any possibility of a relationship between two or more independent variables with the dependent variable. The purpose of correlational research is to detect the extent of variations in the factors associated with variations in one or more other factors based on the correlation coefficient.
4.      Causal Comparative Research
This study aimed to investigate the possibility of a causal relationship that is based on the observation of the effect of existing and looking back may be a factor that causes through specific data.
5.      Descriptive
Descriptive research involves collecting data in order to test hypotheses or answer questions concerning the current status of the subjects of the study.  It determines and reports the way things are.

Procedures of Quantitative Research
Implementation of quantitative research based on procedures that have been planned before. There are quantitative research procedure consisted of the stages following activities.
1.      Identification of problems
Formulation of the problem, which is a question of empirical objects clearly demarcated and identified the factors related thereto.
2.      The purpose of research
Quantitative research aims to test the theory, establish the facts, show the relationship between variables, giving a statistical description, estimate and predict the outcome.
3.      Study of theory
grounded theory study on the so-called structural functionalism, realism, positivism, behaviorism and empiricism which essentially emphasizes on things that are concrete, empirical testing and real facts.
4.      Development of the conceptual framework
Preparation of the framework in the preparation of the hypothesis that an argument that might explain the relationship between the various factors that are tangled and form a constellation of problems. Framework is organized rationally based on scientific premises that have been verified by empirical attention to the factors that are relevant to the problem.
5.      Identification and definition of variables
According to Kerlinger (1973) is a construct or trait variable to be studied. Variables can be regarded as a trait that is taken from a different values ​​(different values). As such, it is a variable that varies. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Quantitative Research Advantages

  •  The advantage is that when the research data is collated because its simply based on numbers it’s a lot easier to collate and place together into a form of chart. Also when it comes to placing it into graphs and charts it’s a lot easier to read, because if it’s placed into a pie chart it’s exceedingly simple to read.
  • Quantitative research allows the researcher to measure and analyze data. The relationship between an independent and dependent variable is studied in detail. This is advantageous because the researcher is more objective about the findings of the research. Quantitative research can be used to test hypotheses in experiments because of its ability to measure data using statistics.
  • However with advantages always come disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is that because it’s all based on figures, it’s not always up to date. It’s usually in constant need of updating because numbers change.
  • The main disadvantage of quantitative research is the context of the study or experiment is ignored. Quantitative research does not study things in a natural setting or discuss the meaning things have for different people as qualitative research does. Another disadvantage is that a large sample of the population must be studied; the larger the sample of people researched, the more statistically accurate the results will be.
  To know the example of Quantitative Research you can download by click here!

2. Qualitative Research

         Just like all research, qualitative research is a type of research that seeks answers to a question; is systematically conducted and involves the collection of evidence. However, the uniqueness of qualitative research is that you may produce findings that were not determined in advance and also the findings may be applicable beyond the immediate boundaries of the study. It is especially effective if you want to obtain culturally specific information about the subjects involved; i.e. the values, behaviours, and opinions of a particular population. However, the term qualitative research is a general definition that includes many different methods used in understanding and explaining social phenomena. The following are some definitions by prominent scholars in the field:

  • According to Denzin and Lincoln (1994), qualitative research focuses on interpretation of phenomena in their natural settings to make sense in terms of the meanings people bring to these settings. Qualitative research involves collecting information about personal experiences, introspection, life story, interviews, observations, historical, interactions and visual text which are significant moments and meaningful in peoples' lives.

  • Patton (2002) defined qualitative research  as attempting to understand the  unique interactions in a particular situation. The purpose of understanding is not necessarily to predict what might occur, but rather to understand in depth the characteristics of the situation and the meaning brought by participants and what is happening to them at the moment. The aim of qualitative research is to truthfully present findings to others who are interested in what you are doing.

  • According to Pope and Mays (1995), qualitative researchers study things in their natural settings in an effort to discover the meanings seen by those who are being researched (or subjects) rather than that of the researcher.

  • Qualitative research seeks to provide understanding of human experience, perceptions, motivations, intentions, and behaviours based on description and observation and utilizing a naturalistic interpretative approach to a subject and its contextual setting (Encyclopedia.com 2009).

  • Qualitative research is a process of naturalistic inquiry that seeks in-depth understanding of social phenomena within their natural setting. It focuses on the "why" rather than the "what" of social phenomena and relies on the direct experiences of human beings as meaning-making agents in their every day lives (University of Utah, College of Health, 2009).

  • Merriam (1999) characterises qualitative research as understanding the meaning people have constructed in which the researcher is the primary instrument for data collection and analysis. It usually involves fieldwork as primarily employing an inductive research strategy focussing on process, meaning and understanding resulting in a richly descriptive product. 

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