Selasa, 12 Agustus 2014


A.    Definiton
Classroom Interaction is a practice that enhances the development of the two very important language skills which are speaking and listening among the learners. This device helps the learner to be competent enough to think critically and share their views among their peers.
There are some other definition of classrooom intearction:
Jack C. Richards, John Platt and Heidi Platt, (1992)
The patterns of verbal and non-verbal communication and the types of social relationships which occur within classrooms. The study of classroom interaction may be a part of studies of Classroom Discourse, Teacher Talk and Second Language Acquisition.
Classroom interaction could be referred to as a process of passing down a vital information from the professional teacher who has undergone a rigorous training to the learners in the could be referred to all interaction that take place between the teacher and the leaner in an organize classroom.
Classroom interaction refers to the verbal exchanges among students and between students and teachers. It is part of a collaborative group learning process involving discussions and class participation. Talking and listening are primary components of classroom interaction.
To know more about classroom interaction you can download it by click here!

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