Sabtu, 09 Agustus 2014

Understanding Paragraph


        A paragraph is  an organization of a group of sentences. These sentences develop one main  idea. A paragraph should have three essential parts. These are topic sentence, supporting sentences and a concluding sentence. Apart from these three important parts, a paragraph should also have minor details.


The topic sentence:
  • is the most general sentence in the paragraph; all the sentences that follow it are less general, more specific
  • states the purpose of the paragraph for the audience
  • is the most important sentence in the paragraph. It covers all of the ideas in the paragraph
  • aims to limit the topic in one or two points


       Writing a successful topic sentence is the first step to an effective paragraph. If you keep a few tips in your mind you can succeed it.
  1. A topic sentence cannot be a simple statement of fact because when you write a fact you will not be able to find ways to support the topic sentence and thus, you will not develop your paragraph.
  2. A topic sentence should not be too general. Otherwise, you will have difficulty in choosing which points to focus on. If you write a general sentence, it means that you will write all the points about your topic and this will cause a big problem when writing a paragraph Your topic sentence should be more specific, so you can find the points you will develop easily.
  3. Try to avoid using personal opinions. Do not start with “I like” or “I feel”.
  4. You should also keep in mind to avoid telling everything in the topic sentence because your readers will loose interest.
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